This is another awesome video from John Kostik, breaking down the Hebrew word for Truth - Emet ( אמת ).
Emet ( אמת ) has a gematria value of 441 ( which is 21² - which can also be expressed as
(3 x 7) x (3 x 7) - refer to earlier post about the significance of 37:
Emet ( אמת ) is comprised of the First (#1), Middle (#13) and Last (#22) letters of the Hebrew Aleph Bet. 1 + 13 + 22 = 36 ( or 6² )
So, either way, the numeric value of אמת is a perfect square!
The Hebrew Letter Aleph א represents G*d, which I have covered in previous posts. So, here we can literally see that if we take G*d out of Truth, we are left with Death.
אמת = Emet = Truth
מת = Met = Death
The Greek word for Truth is αλήθεια (Alítheia) and its Isosophy Value (Numeric Value) is 64 ( or 8² ) - so here we can see that even in Greek, the original language of the New Testament, the numeric value for Truth is also a Perfect Square.
This is not by chance, this is divine perfection.
Truth אמת Emet:
