Rabbi Isaac, from The Assembly of Called-Out Believers, brings us this wonderful teaching on this week's Torah Parashah, Chayai Sarah.
Chayei Sarah, ( חיי שרה ), or “Life of Sarah,” is the fifth weekly Torah portion ( פרשה ) Parashah) in the annual cycle of Torah reading covering Genesis 23:1–25:18 and is unique in the fact that this Parasha doesn’t talk about the "Life of Sarah”, but chronicles events after the passing of Sarah such as Abraham’s negotiations to purchase the best burial place for his wife Sarah in the cave of Machpelah, and the story of Abraham's sending his servant to find and prepare a wife for Abraham’s son Isaac. There is some interesting stuff going on here and Rabbi Isaac has been blessed by HaShem to deliver this deeper understanding. I've learned much from Rabbi Isaac over the years and just had to share this!
Much Love and Blessings!
