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Events on October 16, 1946, Foretold in The Book of Esther!

Writer: טימותי לורנסטימותי לורנס

Updated: Dec 8, 2022

This is a very cool discovery that I learned from Brother John Kostik, who has an awesome YouTube channel that's is filled with all kinds of great teachings, so go check it out.

We read the following Book of Esther:

"he called for Queen Esther. He said, “The Jews have killed 500 men in the fortress of Susa alone, as well as Haman’s ten sons. If they have done that here, what has happened in the rest of the provinces? But now, what more do you want? It will be granted to you; tell me and I will do it.” - Esther 9:12

So, here in the above we plainly see that the king tells Esther that 500 men, as well as Haman's Ten Sons, have been killed. What's extremely unusual is Esther's reply in the next verse:

"And Esther said, “If it please the king, let the Jews who are in Susa be allowed tomorrow also to do according to this day’s edict. And let the ten sons of Haman be hanged on the gallows.” - Esther 9:13

So, why is Esther requesting that Haman's Ten Sons be hanged on the gallows, when it was literally just stated in the previous verse that Haman's Ten Sons had already been killed???

Of course, the answer lies within the original Hebrew, but more precisely, in the original Tanakh Scrolls. The Hebrew Bible (or Tanakh) is extremely detailed and throughout the text you will occasionally see a large Hebrew letter that seems out of place. This is not only to draw our attention but also that there is a much deeper secret to be learned there. When there is a large Hebrew letter in the original Tanakh scroll, which are painstakingly reproduced in detail by Jewish scribes, it is said to a Gematria Value of 1,000 times it's face value (ie. If an Aleph ( א ) equals 1, then a Large Aleph (א ) would equal 1,000 times 1, which would be 1,000). Esther 9:7-9 lists the Ten Sons of Haman (who were said to have already been killed before Esther requests them to be killed again) in it's written in a very unusual way. Throughout the list of the Ten Names, which stand out very obviously, there are four usual-sized letters; a small Tav ( ת ), a small Shin ( ש ), a small Zayin ( ז ) and a large Vav ( ו ).

These abnormalities are easily seen in the scrolls below:

If we take the Gematria Values of these letters as the following, we get the following:

Small Tav ( ת )


Small Shin ( ש )


Small Zayin ( ז )


Large Vav ( ו ).

6 (x1,000) = 6,000

Let's start with the Large Vav ( ו ), that we have established equals 6,000. The number 6,000 could be viewed as 6 Millenia, so if this is the case, then the 6th Millennium points to Hebrew Calendar Year 5,000. The three small letters add up to equal 707, so if we add that 707 to the year 5,000 (for the Sixth Millennium) we get Hebrew Calendar Year 5707.

Unfortunately, we do not observe the Hebrew Calendar, as we should, but we observe the Gregorian Calendar. The Hebrew year 5707 comes out to be 1946 in our Gregorian Calendar.

1946 was one year after World War II, and of course Hitler basically played the same role as Haman, as they both attempted to destroy the Jewish People.

On October 21st, 1946 (21st Tishrei, 5707) - which was Hoshana Rabba, or the last day of the of Sukkot; which is required observance holiday, specified by HaShem in The Torah; it seems as if Queen Esther's request was fulfilled, as Ten high-ranking Nazi war criminals were led to the gallows and hanged, just as Esther requested. Only these Ten Sons, were the Ten Sons of a different, modern Haman - Adolf Hitler.

"On October 16, 1946, 10 of the architects of Nazi policy were hanged. Goering, who at sentencing was called the “leading war aggressor and creator of the oppressive program against the Jews,” committed suicide by poison on the eve of his scheduled execution. Nazi Party leader Martin Bormann was condemned to death in absentia (but is now believed to have died in May 1945). Trials of lesser German and Axis war criminals continued in Germany into the 1950s and resulted in the conviction of 5,025 other defendants and the execution of 806." - ( )

October 16, 1946 (Wednesday)

Former German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop first to be hanged One by one, the ten remaining Nazi war criminals on death row after the Nuremberg Trials were hanged in a gymnasium on the premises of the Nuremberg Palace of Justice. Taking the place of Hermann Göring as first in line was Joachim von Ribbentrop, 53, the German Foreign Minister, who dropped from the gallows at 1:16 a.m., with Master Sergeant John C. Woods handlin the duties as the U.S. Army's hangman. Ribbentrop was followed by Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, 64; Ernst Kaltenbrunner, 43, Commander of the German SS national police; Alfred Rosenberg, 53, Minister of Eastern Occupied Territories, 1941–45; Hans Frank, 46, Governor General of Poland, 1939–45; Wilhelm Frick, 69, Interior Minister 1933–43, "Protector of Bohemia and Moravia" 1943–45; Julius Streicher, 61, propaganda publisher; Fritz Sauckel, 51, administrator of "labor deployment" for 5,000,000 workers imported from occupied territories; and General Alfred Jodl, 56, Supreme Commander of Nazi armed forces. The last was Arthur Seyss-Inquart, 54, Reichskommissar of the Netherlands 1940–44, who was dropped at 2:45 - Wikipedia

Here is John's Channel, I cannot recommend this enough!

Much Love and Blessings!


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