This post is my humble attempt to explain a much deeper significance of the Hebrew word HalleluYah - ( הללו יה ) and why this Sacred Hebrew Word has been singled out and preserved in all languages in its original Hebrew form. From this mystical interpretation, we will see why HalleluYah - ( הללו יה ) - is one of the few Holy Words used in all languages, which is literally protected by The Holy Spirit.
Psalm 150:6 is the last verse of the 150 Psalms and carries a significant hidden meaning.
“Everything that has breath shall praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!”
This particular Psalm, that closes the Book of Psalms, ends with HalleluYah - ( הללו יה ) - whose last two letters spell Yah יה - The exclamatory HalleluYah is a compound word in English - consisting of The Two Sacred Hebrew Words - Hallelu and Yah - ( הללו יה ) - Praise The LORD! or "Praise Yah!" Its first and last letters are Hei ( הללו יה / ה ). The psalmist's exclamation follows a command: "All That Breathes - Praise ( Tehallel / תהלל ) The LORD”. We know that G*d spoke everything into existence and it is said the Our Creator created the world with the mere breath of a Hei ( ה ).

The letter Hei ( ה ) is very similar in look a somewhat in sound to the letter Chet ( ח ). However, they're very differnt and an ancient midrash warns us that "if you make the letter Hei ( ה ) into the letter Chet ( ח ) then you bring destruction upon the world," since Tehallel / Praise ( תהלל ), spelled with a Chet ( תחלל ), means “desecrate," which would defile the Psalm. Needless to say, we should be mindful of this and pay close attention to how we write our Hebrew letters. Moreover, "all that breathes”, meaning all breathing animals produce the Hei ( ה ) sound (which in English is an “H” sound) with each breath, thus giving us a whole new level of understanding of the statement "Everything that has breath shall praise the LORD".
"then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature." - Genesis 2:7

Thinking along these lines, we should also note that when G*d established His Covenant with Abram, He changed the names of Abram ( אברם ) and Sarai ( שרי ), to Abraham ( אברהם ) and Sarah ( שרה ), He literally added a Hei ( ה ) to both their names.
"No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham, for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations." - Genesis 17:5
ולא־יקרא עוד את־שמך אברם והיה שמך אברהם כי אב־המון גוים נתתיך
"And God said to Abraham, “As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name." - Genesis 17:15
ויאמר אלהים אל־אברהם שרי אשתך לא־תקרא את־שמה שרי כי שרה שמה׃

In an attempt to explain my previous statement about why I believe that this word ( הללו יה ) is literally protected by The Holy Spirit, we must dive deeper into Jewish Metaphysics to gain that insight. Doing my best not to get too lofty with all of this, the answer can be found in the Hebrew word for "Understanding" itself, which is Binah בנה (Understanding). In Jewish Mysticism, Binah is called WHO ( Mi / מי ) which is spelled with Mem Yud מי.
Mem ( מ ) has a Numeric Value of 40 and Yud ( י ) has a Numeric Value of 10, so the total word value of ( מי ) is Fifty. The Sages teach us that there are 50 Gates of Understanding (Binah).

Binah is also known as “Spirit" ( רוח / Ruach ) as in - רוח הקודש (Ruach HaQodesh - Holy Spirit) - Binah is understood as ( Mi / מי ) - WHO - and is indicated by Third Highest Sefirot in The Top of Triad of The Tree of Life, The Triad of The - which is Kether (Crown), Chochmah (Wisdom) and Binah (Understanding). In Christian thought, these three make up The Complex Unity of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit (HaAbba, HaBen V'Ruach HaQodesh)...aka "Trinity".
50 is also the Numeric Value of ( ילדו - Yeldo ) - “HIS CHILD” - and of course this is YESHUA ( ישוע ) / JESUS in English.
Understand that there are no punctuation marks in any Hebrew Scriptures, thus no question marks. So, with this little tidbit of insight, we can see that when The Wise King Solomon (whose writings Conceal as much Heavenly Wisdom as they Reveal Earthy Wisdom) wrote the following, he wasn't merely proposing the following as questions, as our text reads today; rather he was making the following statements for those who have the eyes to see.
“WHO has ascended to heaven and come down? WHO has gathered the wind in his fists? WHO has wrapped up the waters in a garment? WHO has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son’s name? Surely you know!” - Proverbs 30:4

חסד ושלום עליכם והרבה אהבה וברכות
May Grace and Peace Be Upon You and Much Love and Blessings!
This is divine brother ,thank you for your good work I love you shalom