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HaShem Hidden In The Book of Esther!

Writer: טימותי לורנסטימותי לורנס

The Book Esther, along with the Song of Solomon, are unique as they are the only books in the Old Testament where the personal name of G*d, יהוה , is not mentioned. This is very curious to me, so after some digging, I stumbled upon HaShem (THE NAME) hidden as the first letter of four successive words in Esther 5:4. Using the accepted Jewish Kabbalistic method of Notarikon, HaShem is revealed!

Notarikon is a method of deriving a word, by using each of its initial or final letters to stand for another, to form a sentence or idea out of the words. We can do this in the original Hebrew text, as it the Holy Language of Our Creator, and The Holy Tongue is not limited to simple linear form; as is ours. I would not expect it to be any other way.

And Esther said, “If it please the king, let the king and Haman come today to a feast that I have prepared for the king.” - Esther 5:4 (ESV)

ותאמר אסתר אם־על־המלך טוב יבוא המלך והמן היום אל־המשתה אשר־עשיתי לו

I personally don't believe that this is a coincidence, as a matter of fact, I don't believe that anything is coincidence. According to Wikipedia, "The first known usage of the word is from c. 1605 with the meaning "exact correspondence in substance or nature" from the French coincidence, from "coincider", from Medieval Latin "coincidere". The definition evolved in the 1640s as "occurrence or existence during the same time". The word was introduced to English readers in the 1650s..."

The Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer (known as Ba'al Shem Tov), who is regarded as the founder of Hasidic Judaism, has this to say about "Coincidence":

“By me, there is no such thing as coincidence! Every person should believe that everything comes by Divine Providence and he should not attribute it to coincidence, God forbid.”

According to my studies, I have not found a direct Hebrew translation for the word "coincidence" (without combining words together). Of course, this is debated online, but I challenge you investigate this yourself. The closest Hebrew word for "coincidence" is מקרה which literally means "something that happened".

Check out this video for more information about this:

Learning Hebrew and studying Kabbalah (which literally means "to receive" or "reception") enables us to receive and discover the higher force of G*d, as absolute reality. It truly expands our senses in the right direction towards discovering The Creator, and elevates our spiritual perception. Everything begins to make sense and it helps us learn how to live the right way, to walk in Yeshua's footsteps. Our lives become enriched with The Light and we become happier, as we no longer dwell blindly in the darkness.

Much Love and Blessings!



Jeremy Dickenson
Nov 02, 2021

Dude this is absolutely the highlight of my day when you post these teachings I love you man

Replying to

Thank you for that, my most beloved brother! I do the best I can to share whatever brings me closer to HaShem. The more of these truths that we observe, the more we understand The Word as the Highest Authority and as Absolute Reality; everything else is just noise. Since we've been born again through the sacrifice of Yeshua, we have been spiritually grafted into The Nation of Israel and we are now a Light to The Nations. I just try to bring as much of that precious light down to eliminate the darkness of this world. If we truly want to change this world, then we must start with ourselves, as our actions speak louder than our words. Thanks…

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