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Number and Appoint Thy Days Ahead

Writer: טימותי לורנסטימותי לורנס

In the Pure Hebrew Language of Our LORD, some words have several different meanings. It is a very metaphorical language that teaches us many lessons about our lives. Here is a quick one that I found very interesting.

In Psalm 90:12, the Psalmist asks HaShem to teach us To Number our days. This should raise an obvious question - how can we number our own days? Of course, the answer to this is hidden in the original word that is used here for “Number” - the root of that word is Manah ( מָנָה ).

“So teach us TO NUMBER ( למנות / Lim’Not ) our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” - Psalms 90:12

למנות ימינו כן הודע ונבא לבב חכמה׃

This same root word Manah ( מָנָה ) is also used in the Book of Jonah meaning “to prepare / to appoint” - where G*d appoints The Great Fish, The Worm and The Wind - all to teach Yonah some extremely valuable life lessons (that we can ALL learn from) - READ THE BOOK OF JONAH VERY CAREFULLY!

“And יהוה APPOINTED ( וימן / VayMan ) a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.” Yonah 1:17

וימן יהוה דג גדול לבלע את־יונה ויהי יונה במעי הדג שלשה ימים ושלשה לילות׃

“But when dawn came up the next day, God APPOINTED ( וימן / VayMan ) a worm that attacked the plant, so that it withered.” - Yonah 4:7

וימן האלהים תולעת בעלות השחר למחרת ותך את־הקיקיון וייבש׃

When the sun rose, God APPOINTED ( וימן / VayMan ) a scorching east wind, and the sun beat down on the head of Jonah so that he was faint. And he asked that he might die and said, “It is better for me to die than to live.” - Yonah 4:8

ויהי ׀ כזרח השמש וימן אלהים רוח קדים חרישית ותך השמש על־ראש יונה ויתעלף וישאל את־נפשו למות ויאמר טוב מותימחיי׃

What does it mean for a Disciple to “Number and Appoint Their Days”?

To really understand the answer to this, we should first define what “Disciple” truly means. First off, it is not the same thing as being a believer, or follower…no matter what anyone tells you. True Believers and Followers of Yeshua should definitely be working their way up to becoming a Disciple, through the anointment and instruction of The Ruach HaQodesh / The Holy Spirit.

The root word of Discipline is “Disciple,” which comes from the Latin word “discipulus” meaning “student.” Thus, to be a Disciple of Yeshua is much more than simply being a “follower” - it means being a a Disciplined Student - as we are not only to Study The Word, We Are To Live By It in order to become more and more like Yeshua each day. It is pointless to witness others by words that isn’t backed by our own good deeds. The world sees the Fruit of The Spirit that has been promised to us. If we are not producing that fruit in our own lives, no matter what we say will fall on deaf ears. When we follow His Path and leave our own ways behind, we shine bright with His Infinite Light for the entire world to see. We truly become “A Light To The Nations” - just as we are commanded to be.

To Number and Appoint Our Days is to Live Our Lives for G*d and is necessary to bring in what is good. The world is getting more wicked each day, but we can surely change it - starting by changing our own actions the way we react to it. We must Prepare This Day and All The Days Ahead for His Will and His Purpose. When we Anoint and Prepare them and Walk As Disciples, our days ahead become Vessels of Blessing and Life - and we become Vessels of Light.

Therefor, Anoint and Prepare Thy Days Ahead - Commit Them for His Will and Serve Him with All The Humility That You Can Muster.

חסד ושלום עליכם והרבה אהבה וברכות

May Grace and Peace Be Upon You and Much Love and Blessings!


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