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Pi (π) Observed in The Torah (Genesis 1:1)

Writer: טימותי לורנסטימותי לורנס

Updated: Dec 8, 2022

I've made a few posts where I show the Numeric Perfection in Beresheit (Genesis) 1:1, and here's another, this one is absolutely remarkable. It really goes far beyond human comprehension and it weren't for the help of computers, we would not be able to understand its magnitude on this level.

"The importance of pi has been recognized for at least 4,000 years. A History of Pi notes that by 2000 B.C., "the Babylonians and the Egyptians (at least) were aware of the existence and significance of the constant π," recognizing that every circle has the same ratio of circumference to diameter. Both the Babylonians and Egyptians had rough numerical approximations to the value of pi, and later mathematicians in ancient Greece, particularly Archimedes, improved on those approximations. By the start of the 20th century, about 500 digits of pi were known. With computation advances, thanks to computers, we now know more than the first six billion digits of pi."

"Pi—which is written as the Greek letter for P, or π—is the ratio of the circumference of any circle to the diameter of that circle. Regardless of the circle's size, this ratio will always equal pi."

To put it most simply, Pi is a universal constant encoded throughout all of physical existence and it is evidence of Intelligent Creation. Since The Holy Bible is the Word of Our Creator, we can find evidence of Pi in the very first sentence in The Hebrew Bible.

If we take the first letter of each of the seven Hebrew words.

The Numerical Value is: 22

בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ

ב ב א א ה ו ה

2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 6 + 5 = 22

Dividing this value (22) by the number of words (7) gives us the simple value of Pi.


Torah ( תורה ) Proven by the 611 Integral Digits following The Decimal Point of Pi:

The Numeric Value of The Word "Torah"

( תורה ) = 611

בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ

Total Numeric Value of Genesis Verse 1:1 = 2701

Pi (π) starts with the Integer Digit of "3." and is followed by an endless number of Integral Digits after the Decimal Point. I'm only interested in seeing what the first 611 Integral Digits after the Decimal Point are; so a quick search takes me to:

From there, I just copied and pasted the numbers into two columns (the Whole Number "3" into "A2" and the first 611 Integral Digits after the Decimal Point into"B2" - as shown below) on a "Google Sheets" Spreadsheet. In order to sum these 611 numbers with no chance of error, I found a formula (also shown below) that would produce the total sum value of all the digits in a single cell. Needless to say, the results are 2701, which is the Exact Numeric Value of Genesis 1:1.

The levels of Numeric Perfect that can be observed in just the very first verse of The Torah are astounding. These are just two examples that I've thankfully been able to digest and articulate, of course there's more and I'm sure I will post a follow up soon.

חסד ושלום עליכם והרבה אהבה וברכות

May Grace and Peace Be Upon You and Much Love and Blessings!

4 comentários

13 de out. de 2022

Really amazing Timothy, thank you! I know you are aware of the significance of the number 144 (the 144 thousand, 12x12 = 144, etc), and I remember hearing once that the first 144 digits of PI (after the decimal point) add to 666. I tried to use Google Sheets to verify that but couldn't figure it out! All the best, Alex

טימותי לורנס
טימותי לורנס
21 de abr. de 2023
Respondendo a

Shalom Shalom Brother Alex!

I finally got around to checking this and sure enough!

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