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Sacred 432 - *Updated 4/26/21*

Writer: טימותי לורנסטימותי לורנס

Updated: Apr 29, 2021

This is just something that I have been playing around with and wanted to share, please feel free to elaborate in the comments.

Here is one of those sacred numbers that can be observed throughout creation and it is just another point that proves intelligent creation. This gets very deep, so I will just point out some significant points to hopefully engage thought.

In the music world, people are starting to understand and utilize this sacred number. Musicians are starting to deviate from the standard 440 Hz tuning and are switching to 432 Hz. The main explanation given for this is that "it just feels better"...but why?

432 Hz resonates with 8 Hz (the Schumann Resonance), the documented fundamental electromagnetic “beat” of Earth. Research says that music tuned from this frequency is easier to listen to, brighter, clearer, and contains more inherent dynamic range.

Significant 432 Facts:

* 86,400 seconds in a 24 hour period, 43,200 seconds for each 12 hour period of day and night.

* The diameter of the sun is 864,000 miles; or 432 x 2. The diameter of the moon is 2160 miles; which is 432 / 2. If this ratio was not perfect, as it is, the climate of the earth would not sustainable for human life.

*432 has the same Gematria Value as וישמעו "And will be heard"

*432 when reduced (4+3+2) = 9

*The 9th letter of the Hebrew Aleph Bet is ט (which is the serpant)

Studies have shown that 432 Hz, versus 440 Hz, has positive effects on the human body. Here is an interesting article, by the National Library of Medicine, that elaborates on this fact:

**Update - 4/26/21**

Here is a great video that explores these mysteries in much greater depth.

Special thanks to Brother Yeshua on YouTube, הורמנותא של הספירותא, for putting this together.

Much Love, Brother, Much Love!



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