The name Zephaniah means "defended by God." The Book of Zephaniah is one of the short Minor Prophet Books, in the Old Testament, that is often overlooked. In the original Hebrew scripture, there are a couple of verses that particularly stand out.
Chapter 3, verse 8, is the only verse in the entire Hebrew Bible that contains every single letter of the Hebrew Aleph Bet; including the Sofits (or Final Forms). This is very significant as the next verse goes on to say, "For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent." - Zephaniah 3:9
Keep in mind that it wasn't until the end the 19th century that the Hebrew language was revived. From the 2nd century A.D. until 1880, it was only the official language of prayer and was not commonly spoken as the mother tongue.
I feel very fortunate and extremely thankful that today we are given the opportunity to learn this divine language of our Creator, blessed be he, and I hope that you do as well.
Here is a nice overview of this awesome book, put together by the good folks at The Bible Project:
Be sure to check out this awesome website, that has revealed this sacred truth:
