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Satan's Deception of Christmas

Writer: טימותי לורנסטימותי לורנס

Updated: Dec 8, 2022

This is going to be a short post to show you a bit of the magnitude of the level of Satan's deception. We are specifically told about how crafty The Adversary is in Genesis 3:1:

Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” - Gen 3:1

Now let's see if we can find some proof of his craftiness revealed in his Hebrew name (actually it is his title - The Adversary). In Hebrew the name of Satan (Adversary) is Shin, Tet, Nun ( שטן ) which has a numeric value of 359.

The first time the name "Satan" is used in The Bible is in 1 Chronicles 21:1; which just so happens to be the 359th chapter of the Hebrew Bible. We all know that there are no coincidences and all is Divine Providence.

"And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel." - 1 Chronicles 21:1

Now, here is the scary part....based on our Gregorian Calendar, the 359th day of the year is December 25. So, this is what we're up against here, the day that we celebrate the birth of Yeshua, is the numeric representation of Satan.

What are the origins of this December 25th holiday?

In ancient Rome there was a feast called Saturnalia that celebrated the solstice. What is the solstice? It's the day that the sun starts coming back, the days start getting longer. And most of the traditions that we have that relate to Christmas relate to the solstice, which was celebrated in ancient Rome on December 25. So when Christianity became the official religion of Rome, December 25 was officially setup as the official Christmas observance holiday; as it was already widely celebrated in Rome as an important day with gift giving, candle lighting, and singing and decorating houses.

Evidently a major pagan custom was what we know as Christmas trees. The evergreen trees were symbolic of the "return of life" and "light" as the winter solstice meant the days were starting to get longer.

All of this used to be well known as in the 17th century, the Puritans attempted to ban the celebration of this pagan holiday. So they obviously understood that the date and the traditions, were pagan ideas. The Puritans banned Christmas for 20 years in America before the celebration became just too popular.

I don't necessarily think that we need to avoid the observance of this holiday, as the birth of our LORD and Savior, most definitely deserves a holiday. It's a joyous time for family and loved ones to get together. However, we do need to reclaim it for Yeshua as much as possible and celebrate it for what it truly means to us, and not so much observance of the pagan rituals.

Much Love and Blessings!


Julia Waldron
Julia Waldron
Jan 27, 2023

Here is a webpage written by a woman who shares her wisdom, discernment and knowledge on the birth time of Yeshua according to Scripture leads.

Julia Waldron
Julia Waldron
Jan 27, 2023
Replying to

Good morning and thank you for sharing Dr. Michael Heiser video. I will peruse his webpage if I can find it.. LOL God bless you with peace, my dear brother in the Lord!


Julia Waldron
Julia Waldron
Jan 26, 2023

I do not observe December 25th as our Holy Lord Yeshua's birthday. Instead I praise God EVERYDAY for Yeshua's birth into human flesh and to become the Savior of the world by His overcoming death and resurrecting to eternal life in the kingdom seated at the right hand of the Father. If families wish to get together any day of the year and give one another gifts and thank God for His mercy in sending His Son to be our only hope in overcoming this world's wickedness, and enjoy a meal together, that's great! Afterall, Yeshua said the Father is looking for those to worship Him in Spirit and truth. God bless you more!

Replying to

I agree and I believe it’s definitely a deceptive holiday. I still enjoy getting together with family and all of that, but I don’t put much effort into the celebration of that day as what we’ve been told it is. Much Love and Blessings!


Julia Waldron
Julia Waldron
Jan 26, 2023

I do not observe December 25th as our Holy Lord Yeshua's birthday. Instead I praise God EVERYDAY for Yeshua's birth into human flesh and to become the Savior of the world by His overcoming death and resurrecting to eternal life in the kingdom seated at the right hand of the Father, awaiting the time when the Father says, "Go! and collect my people into the kingdom." If families wish to get together any day of the calendar year and give one another gifts and thank God for His mercy in sending His Son to be our only hope in overcoming this world's wickedness, and enjoy a meal together, I have no problem with that. Afterall, Yeshua said the Father is…


May 31, 2022

Great article! And they have sure taken the Savior out of this holiday, and replaced him with Santa (anagram of Satan). Very interesting and thank you!

Replying to

You are correct, Brother Alex. I love Christmas as it's a wonderful day to get together and spend quality time with our family, but it's not at all what we've been led to believe. I plan on updating this post soon with some of the information that you have so brilliantly presented in your book The Messianic Feast. Thanks for the comment!

Much Love and Blessings!

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