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St Ephrem the Syrian's "Hymns on Paradise" - Free PDF Download

Writer: טימותי לורנסטימותי לורנס

Updated: Dec 8, 2022

I stumbled on a video where someone was going over some of the symbology in this book, Hymns on Paradise, and found it to be quite noteworthy. I haven't gotten too deep into it yet, but I wanted to go ahead and share it with anyone who is interested.

"Ephrem the Syrian (306 – 373), also known as Saint Ephrem, Ephrem of Edessa or Aprem of Nisibis, was a prominent Christian theologian and writer, who is revered as one of the most notable hymnographers of Eastern Christianity. He was born in Nisibis, served as a deacon and later lived in Edessa. Ephrem wrote a wide variety of hymns, poems, and sermons in verse, as well as prose exegesis. These were works of practical theology for the edification of the Church in troubled times. So popular were his works, that, for centuries after his death, Christian authors wrote hundreds of pseudepigraphal works in his name. He has been called the most significant of all of the fathers of the Syriac-speaking church tradition."

"St Ephrem the Syrian's cycle of fifteen hymns on paradise offers a fine example of Christian poetry, in which the author weaves a profound theological synthesis around a particular Biblical narrative. Centered on Genesis 2 and 3, he expresses his awareness of the sacramental character of the created world, and of the potential of everything in the created world to act as a witness and pointer to the creator. God's two witnesses, says Ephrem, are: 'Nature, through man's use of it, [and] Scripture, through his reading it." In his writing, Ephrem posits an inherent link between the material and spiritual worlds. St Ephrem's mode of theological discussion is essentially Biblical and Semitic in character. He uses types and symbols to express connections or relationships to 'reveal' something that is otherwise 'hidden, ' particularly expressing meanings between the Old Testament and the New, between this world and the heavenly, between the New Testament and the sacraments, and between the sacraments and the eschaton. His theology is not tied to a particular cultural or philosophical background, but operates by means of imagery and symbolism basic to all human experience."

Free download of "Hymns on Paradise", by St Ephrem the Syrian PDF

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