I recently discovered this wonderful text and wanted to share it. It's massive and I've only gotten through the first 80 pages or so, but it is awesome.
"The Philokalia (Ancient Greek: φιλοκαλία, lit. 'love of the beautiful', from φιλία philia "love" and κάλλος kallos "beauty") is "a collection of texts written between the 4th and 15th centuries by spiritual masters" of the mystical hesychast tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church. They were originally written for the guidance and instruction of monks in "the practice of the contemplative life"
חסד ושלום עליכם והרבה אהבה וברכות
May Grace and Peace Be Upon You and Much Love and Blessings!

A lot of the quotes from this book are VERY spot-on to hidden concepts within both Jewish and Christian faiths. Praise G-d that information is easier to get!