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The ATBASH Code Used in The Hebrew Bible

Writer's picture: טימותי לורנסטימותי לורנס

Updated: May 19, 2023

"So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen." - Matthew 20:16

I'm just beginning to get a decent handle on the original Hebrew text of The Holy Bible, so I don't know too much about this, but I find it fascinating and wanted to share what little bit that I've learned about this extremely esoteric topic.

First, I need to explain what ATBASH actually is. Evidently, there are coded words in the original Hebrew text that have to be put into a cipher in order to make sense of the text, or perhaps to shed some light on another hidden meaning of the word itself. The cipher itself is a simple substitution code, where the first letter of the alphabet Alef ( א ) is replaced by the last letter Tav ( ת ), then the second letter Bet ( ב ) is replaced by the second to last letter Shin ( ש ), and so forth. The name "ATBASH" refers to the first letters of the names of these Hebrew characters: Alef (A), Tav (T), Bet (B) and Shin (SH). It is evident, especially in The Book of Jeremiah, that The Hebrew Bible does indeed contain some occurrences of words being written using the ATBASH cipher.

"And all the kings of the north, far and near, one with another, and all the kingdoms of the world, which are upon the face of the earth: and the king of Sheshach shall drink after them." - Jeremiah 25:26

Evidently, to this day, there is no knowledge of any place called "Sheshach". If we apply the ATBASH cipher to this Hebrew word, we get the place that was being referred to:

Sheshach ( ששך ) - In ATBASH is - Babel ( בבל ) or Babylon

The author used this same word again in the following verse:

"How is Sheshach taken! and how is the praise of the whole earth surprised! how is Babylon become an astonishment among the nations!" - Jeremiah 51:41

Notice how in the above verse, both "Sheshach" and "Babylon" are both spoken of as if they are two different places. I initially thought that the author may have disguised "Bablyon" by using the word "Sheshach", due to fear of the authority of their Babylonian captors. I have an idea as to why both of these words are used in the same verse, which I'm getting to here soon. As I am writing this, I see that several modern English translations literally translate "Sheshach" as "Babylon" - so at some point, this ATBASH cipher has been accepted by the scholarly community.

Here is another instance of this code being used in Jeremiah:

"Thus says the LORD: “Behold, I will raise up against Babylon, Against those who dwell in Leb Kamai, A destroying wind." - Jeremiah 51:1

Leb Kamai ( לב קמי ) - In ATBASH - Kasdim ( כשדימ ) which is the Hebrew term for the "Chaldeans", who were the people who inhabit Babylon.

I believe this ATBASH code is not just some cryptic cypher that Biblical Authors used to hide things within the text, as we can see Hidden Divine Truths using this ATBASH cipher as well. Of course, I've only discovered a couple of them and there's no telling how many of them could be hidden within the magnitude of the Hebrew Bible - it's kind of an overwhelming thought, really...

Here are a couple of examples of what I'm referring to:

"For a thousand years in your sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night." - Psalm 90:4

Eleph Shanim ( אלף שנים ) - Thousand Years

This phrase has a numeric value of 511

Etmol ( אתמול ) - Yesterday

This word has a numeric value of 477, which doesn't reveal much. However, when in ATBASH - ( אתמול ) becomes ( תאיפל ), which has a numeric value of 511.

In this case, we can literally see how using the ATBASH cipher displays the Truth of The Narrative confirmed Numerically; as a Thousand Years is equal to as Yesterday to G*d!

This is definitely not something that any human being could have come up with. I believe that author of Jeremiah was well aware of this ATBASH cipher used in scripture. I think it is a good possibility that he intentionally used it maybe to help preserve it for generations to come. I feel this why he used both the terms "Sheshach" and "Babylon" in Jeremiah 51:41, although they are referring to the same place. To me, it doesn't make sense any other way.

Of course, one of the first things that I looked at when I found about this ATBASH is the possibility to apply this cipher to The Most Holy Name of Our LORD, that sacred four letter name that I refer to as HaShem (which in Hebrew literally means THE NAME) - ( יהוה ) - in English - YHVH.

This Most Sacred Name is known as Yahweh or Jehovah to many Christians however, I tend to side with the Jewish view on this one, as they feel this name is too holy to pronounce. To me, this makes perfect sense, as I understand enough Hebrew to know that these are four consanents and that the vowels weren't given. How can we correctly pronounce any word with no vowels? We can't and that's why there is a discrepancy between those two names. In my prayers, I say Adonai (which is Hebrew for "My Lord") and in conversation, I say HaShem.

All that being said, we have been given the name to call on for Our LORD, through His Only Begotten Son, and that name is Yeshua ( ישוע ) - Jesus - and in ANY Language, His Name Means SALVATION. A lot of people get stumbled on this stuff and argue about this and that, saying that you have to call on Jesus in His Hebrew name only, which is ridiculous. To think that Our Creator, who made all things, does not understand prayers in every single languge is one of the most niaive things that I've ever heard.

I'm sorry, but I have to rant about this for a second. When I was a child, I received Salvation through the name Jesus Christ, period. I have known Him my whole life, although I didn't always walk His Path. When I genuinely devoted my life to Him and truly become His Disciple, I started to learn His Pure Language of Hebrew and that's when I started using the name Yeshua to call on Him. Learning His Holy Language and using it in my prayers has definitely given me a more intimate relationship with Him as I'm closer to Him this day then I've ever been in my life. Everything that I write and post on here is designed to bring you closer to Him as well, just as it all has for me.

I pray for Chochmah and Binah (Wisdom and Understanding) every single day, not for the sake of myself, but for the sake of everyone around me; to be able to understand His Word and to share my understanding with the entire world. I'm telling you from my own experience, just seeing and comprehending all of these numbers and hidden truths awakens your consciousness and helps to disconnect your spirit from the bondage of this physical reality. When Yeshua walked this earth, He was a Hebrew Man and He most definitely understood Hebrew, Aramiac and Greek. Hebrew has always been used in the temple for worship, Aramiac (which is extremely close to Hebrew) was the common spoken languge of the Hebrews and of course Greek was spoken outside of the Jewish communities and in the cities for trade, so you had to know it to survive. My point is, Yeshua knows when you call on Him and He answers to His Name in every spoken language on this planet.

It's The Holy Spirit that connects us with G*d, no matter what language we speak.

As it is written:

"And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them.

And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven.

And at this sound the multitude came together, and they were bewildered, because each one was hearing them speak in his own language." - Acts 2:3-6

That little rant was actually helpful to transition us to this next ATBASH example, which I totally digressed away from. HaShem ( יהוה ) has a numeric value of 26 and we take HaShem ( יהוה ) in ATBASH, which would be ( מצפצ ), and it gives us a numeric value of 300.

There is a couple of very nice connections here that relate to the quoted section above from The Book of Acts. 300 is the numeric value of the Hebrew Letter Shin ( ש ), which represents Fire and means "to consume" - just as fire does. The three branches of the Shin ( ש ) represents three flames, which is an obvous allusion to The Complex Unity of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. The Shin is also a representation of Shadai ( שדי ) - "Almighty", as in El Shadai ( אל שדי ) - G*d Almighty. Not only that, 300 is also the numeric value of Ruach Elohim ( רוח אלהים ) - "Spirit of G*d". We see both Fire and The Spirit of G*d in Acts 2:3-4.

There is much scriptural evidence that G*d is akin to Fire. I firmly believe that is why we are being refined as believers, so that when we stand before Him one day, His Glory will not consume us.

"For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God." - Deuteronomy 4:24

"For our God is a consuming fire." - Hebrews 12:29

"I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire." - Matthew 3:11

If we examine the letters of the name Yeshua ( ישוע ), we see a Shin ( ש ) and an Ayin ( ע ). Shin ( ש ) means Fire, as we know, and Ayin ( ע ) means Eye.

Eyes of Fire, as it is written:

"His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name written that no one knows but himself." - Revelation 19:12

Now that we understand this ATBASH cipher and see it has been used in the Holy Bible, maybe we can find some more hidden treasures here and there in our studies. We know that Our Creator hides so much in His Word, as it is written:

"It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter." - Proverbs 25:2

חסד ושלום עליכם והרבה אהבה וברכות

May Grace and Peace Be Upon You and Much Love and Blessings!

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Jeremy Dickenson
Jan 13, 2023

You never disappoint!

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Thank You My Beloved Brother! You know it's not me, none of it is me...I'm blown away by all of it, it's just so surreal I start with something small and these posts begin to write themselves, the things that He shows me along the way is absolutely astounding. It keeps me focused and humble, I couldn't be more thankful. All Glory to The Most High! Much Love and Blessings!


Julia Waldron
Julia Waldron
Jan 12, 2023

Brother, I love this teaching! You are so wise in the knowledge and discernment of the Scriptures, I am impressed! I will learn much from your revelations through the Ruach and studying of the word and your Scripture sharing compositions! God bless you more!

Julia Waldron
Julia Waldron
Jan 12, 2023
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Amen! When we draw near to Adonai, He draws nearer to us.. All wisdom, knowledge, discernment and revelations acquired by His chosen servant-disciples is truly for His glory! HalleluYAH! I will walk in all paths that Adonai leads me and I am sure He led me to follow you.. So lead on with your wisdom! God bless you more!

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