This is a great non-canonical book that most scholars believe to be older than any of the gospels. It has no narrative or story line, it's just short sayings and parables straight from Yeshua. To me, it's like someone took a tape recorder and recorded Yeshua's teachings. I have no doubt that this is a divinely inspired book and absolutely should have been part of our New Testament. There was not an actual New Testament until 325 A.D., when Roman Emperor Constantine commissioned all of the church leaders to get together and agree on an official group of texts. There was most likely some political influence that went into this process, so this some parts of this text may have not fit the Biblical ideology that views of the church or the government at that time. People make mistakes, we are all human, so don't rule out this hidden gem until you read it for yourself. You will find that most of these parables parallel the ones found in the four gospels of the New Testament.
The Gospel of Thomas
