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והנה שלשה - and behold THREE...

Writer: טימותי לורנסטימותי לורנס

Updated: Dec 8, 2022

"And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground" - Genesis 18:2

From this verse we see that יהוה sent three angels at the same time and these were not just any three angels either. The gematria value of והנה שלשה (and behold three) is 701, which equals "These are Michael, Gabriel and Raphael".

So, why did he send all three at once?

We are told by the Jewish Sages that each of these three has a very specific job to do. Michael's job was to inform Abraham and Sarah that they were going to have a child. Gabriel, being a divine angel of judgement, was sent to overturn Sodom. Finally, Raphael was sent to save Lot from this ultimate destruction.

However, there is a deeper meaning to this. Ultimately, G*d wanted to bring forth the holy seed of the Messiah, which had been stored away from before Creation until this point.

Lot fathered Moab, who became the progenitor of the nation of Moab; from which Ruth ultimately descended from. Ruth, who was a Moabite, was also the great-grandmother of King David and an ancestor of Yeshua. Until this point in his life, Lot only had daughters, all of whom were already mature by this time. Therefore, it is unlikely that he would have had sons had he remained in Sodom and would not have had incestuous relations with his daughters. Therefore, the incestuous relations between Lot and his daughters had to be arranged so he could father the nation that would carry the soul of the Messiah latent within him.

Of course, we know that Lot’s daughters were completely under the impression that G*d had destroyed humanity once again, so they gave their father wine to drink in order that they could repopulate the world through them. We are also told by the sages that G*d had even arranged for there to be wine in the cave where they fled to.

Because the society of Sodom was so degenerate that it presumably could not have hosted the soul of the Messiah, thus G*d had to extricate it from there; which was the job given to Raphael.

From this we can understand that Lot had the seed of The Messiah (Yeshua), thus it was absolutely necessary that all three angels were sent at the same time.


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